Citrus growing information
These sites below contain some excellent citrus growing information, including some variety fact sheets that we can’t host here. The NSW DPI site particularly has some very good information, including fact sheets on a number of new public and private varieties. It also has a very good guide to rootstock selection and compatibility.
NSW DPI Citrus information
WA Citrus
The University of California Riverside maintains a variety collection, with links to varietal information – note that many of these varieties are not currently in Australia.
UCR Citrus Variety collection
This site contains information on some of the rarer and more obscure citrus varieties, as well as some history on citrus classification and nomenclature. We can’t vouch to the accuracy of this site but it is well referenced so you can follow up yourself.
Citrus pages
The Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA) is an excellent nursery industry scheme that can help improve the quality of nursery planting material, as well as improve the business operations of your nursery. Auscitrus strongly recommends that all citrus nurseries become NIASA accredited, it is a very useful resource.
Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA)
The ISCN is an international group of citrus nursery owners and operators. They hold regular conferences around the world where citrus nursery operators can get together and share their knowledge.
International Society of Citrus Nurserymen
Citrus Australian And Greenlife Australia are the peak industry bodies for citrus and nursery respectively. Please contact them for industry related issues that are not related to Auscitrus seed and budwood.
Citrus Australia
Greenlife Australia
Note that all the information contained in these sites is provided in good faith and we take no responsibility for their content.